Entry #1
Hello internet companions. My name is Madison Wells. Your friendly, 20-something year old, kind of Millennial kind of Gen Z, marketing student. You may be thinking, 'oh no, here's another girl who just says she's in marketing but really just wants Instagram followers.' But let me tell you here first, you're wrong!
So What's This All About?
Because of our ability to generate new ideas so quickly and technology's constant growth, we are being marketed to 24/7. We live in a world where people are connected through the internet, and the internet is connected to us. Isn't it a coincidence when you want to buy a pair of sneakers, and then you start seeing those same sneakers on every. single. website? Wrong again! It's not a coincidence it is called Big Data my friends and that is just one of the few topics we can talk about on here. The purpose of this blog is to take you behind the scenes of my marketing education in the 21st century, how I perceive different tactics, and think about ~social media~.
Be sure to check back soon for more posts about our wonderfully, marketed, manipulated life!